Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Charlotte Lade

Charlotte Lade is probably the top female professional football freestyler in the world, and needed her own "quick-win" website to support her promotion company's latest publicity drive, and based on her existing artwork.

Charlotte's site was the first of our Kourou websites to employ HTML5 and mobile responsive design, to ensure best compatibility and customer reach on devices such as smartphones and tablets as well as desktop. Customers of all our future developments will be encouraged to embrace similar technology to maximise the potential of their websites.

Monday, 3 November 2014

We're operating from a new server

Although Kourou can be deployed on most modern PHP-based web-hosting, for a one-stop solution and guaranteed compatibility, most of our clients opt to use Goznet Systems managed hosting solutions. With our own and our clients' needs increasing daily, and facing the seemingly never-ending menace of cyber-security issues like Shellshock, we recently migrated to a shiny new server which is proving significantly easier to maintain as well as being much more responsive.

Better for us, better for our clients, better for their clients!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Highshot Events Children's Parties

By way of keeping up to date with more recent developments (a new member of the family has inevitably meant considerably less time and energy to put into web stuff!), here is Highshot Events Children's Parties, promoting the latest venture from our long-time friends at Highshot Events whose own website was an early Kourou implementation.

It's a technically fairly simple site but the design brief was to be fun and child-friendly whilst not actively childish, so we've incorporated animation and a few other eye-catching features along the way.

Monday, 3 March 2014

eMersion Language

Just a simple "quick win" site for an existing client promoting her new English/French tutoring business, eMersion Language.

That's really pretty much all there is to it, but it's exactly what the client wanted, and there are still some useful custom features such as an event calendar.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Danny Bowen Airbrushing

A simple but stylish website to promote Danny Bowen Airbrushing.

Artists invariably want their websites to look better than great, and that's no bad thing. We think we've delivered, with the help of Kourou and jQuery.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Impulse Engineering

Over a year in the making but worth the wait, the new Impulse Engineering website is finally here! It is perhaps our most "corporate" website yet, yet it still maintains the personality and approachability of the company and its staff.

In common with several of our more recent developments, this site makes extensive use of the popular de-facto standard jQuery scripting framework to provide attractive visual interactions.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Garden Consultancy

An attractive little website overhaul for Alistair McVean's landscape garden design business The Garden Consultancy.

Full-window background images seem to be all the rage but can be heavy on resources, but we've always been conscious of those without the latest and greatest computers and/or internet connections, and think we got it about right with the help of Kourou and jQuery.